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Stretch of the Week: Curtsy Shin Stretch

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

For the second week of January, we will be performing a Curtsy Shin Stretch. You will feel this stretch in the muscles from the bottom of your knee to the top of your foot.

Please consult a physician before performing this stretch if you have any ankle or foot injuries.

How to perform:

  1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart, as shown in photo 1. If you have trouble with balance, perform this stretch near a wall so you can use it for support. Otherwise, your hands can be on your hips.
  1. Cross your right foot in front about six inches past your left leg as shown in photo 2.
  1. Curl your left toes and place the top of your right foot on the ground. Gently press the top of your right foot into the ground to intensify the stretch. Draw your belly button to your spine for more core stability and balance. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and then place your right foot back to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

stretch of the week - curtsy shin stretchInterested in learning more? Email me at

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Stretchingcurtsy shin stretchfoot stretchesknee stretchesstretch of the week

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