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Athletico Partners with FOTO® to Measure Patient Outcomes and Satisfaction

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Athletico has recently partnered with Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (FOTO®) to measure functional patient outcomes and patient satisfaction with national data comparison.

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AthletiCo Partners with FOTO® to Measure Patient Outcomes and SatisfactionFOTO® is the largest and most valid external database for rehabilitation, measuring patient satisfaction and functional outcomes for musculoskeletal, industrial, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and pediatric patients. Athletico patients now complete a health status questionnaire using an iPad® mobile digital device at admission, a midway session, and discharge. The data provided rates the patient’s ability to do usual activities. FOTO® then provides an external, standardized, comparative database management and reporting service.

“We have always believed that providing quality care and service to our patients make up the foundation of Athletico’s success,” says Mark Kaufman, Athletico’s president and founder. “While many in health care say this, few are willing to put their resources into actually measuring these cornerstones and responding to them. We are doing just that.”

The implementation of FOTO within all of Athletico’s facilities has been a progression of advancements over the past twenty years. During this time, Athletico has diversified its services to meet the needs of its communities to include occupational/hand therapy, work rehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation, women’s health therapy, and pediatric physical therapy, to name a few.  To support these service offerings, Athletico provides its employees post-professional education through in-house continuing education, tuition reimbursement, and an orthopedic clinical residency program supported by Evidence in Motion.

With these elements in place, the next step was to measure treatments, outcomes, and patient satisfaction. FOTO® provides the reporting tools and national data comparison, while new technology such as mobile digital devices have allowed a company of Athletico’s size to do so effectively and efficiently.

“Athletico is one of the first providers to use a mobile digital device to capture patient data,” says Judy Holder, Director of Provider Relations for FOTO®. “Their pilot use of the iPad® has been instrumental in creating a custom layout of PI-Web for mobile digital devices. The feedback Athletico provided showed us what was and was notworking in a busy clinic in the real world.”

Benefits of FOTO® outcomes and patient satisfaction include the following:

  • Risk-adjusted comparisons of level of quality and value to other providers of similar medical rehabilitation services
  • Comparisons of the level of functional improvement for each patient at discharge and the efficiency of the care as compared to similar, risk-adjusted patients seen by other medical rehabilitation providers
  • Outcomes reports for individual patients
  • Measurement of patient satisfaction to better understand patient needs

By measuring performance against providers all over the country, Athletico can identify strengths and improve on any areas requiring focus as it relates to functional outcomes and providing an exceptional experience to the patient.

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