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Stretch of the Week: Easy Seated Twist

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

In our second week of twists this month, we will be stretching the inner thigh and back muscles. This stretch is called Easy Seated Twist.

You will need some wall space and possibly a folded blanket to perform this stretch. If you have low back pain or difficulty getting up and down from the floor, please do not perform this week’s stretch.

How to perform:

  1. Take a seat on the floor roughly six inches away from the wall. If you are tall then add a few inches. Cross the legs at the ankle. This is where you may feel an inner thigh stretch.

Tip: If your knees are significantly higher than your hips in this position, sit on a folded blanket to add some height. This will help to lower the knees and aid you in sitting taller.

  1. Take a deep inhale and reach the crown of your head to the sky to sit taller. As you exhale, twist to the left and place your left hand on the wall at shoulder height. The right hand will come to the left knee to help assist the twist, as shown in the left photo marked “Yes.” Spread your left fingers on the wall and gently press yourself away to twist a little deeper. Draw your shoulder blades toward the floor and press your belly button to the spine to support the twist. Gaze is at the wall. Do not look down or collapse the chest as shown the right “No” photo, as this is not good for the back.
  1. Stay here for a minimum of 30 seconds but no longer that two minutes. On an inhale, begin to slowly rotate back to the center. Then, rotate to the other side on the exhale.

Stretch of the Week: Easy Seated TwistInterested in learning more? Email me at

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