Tips to Triathlon
1 CommentTriathlons take more time to train for with needing to work on three different disciplines in the sport. It may seem overwhelming and like you don’t have enough time. It can be mind boggling thinking about how to actually fit it all in your weekly schedule. Planning ahead and setting goals are key, but also incorporating a few training techniques into your weekly workouts will help enhance your workout and help you feel ready for race day.
Open Water Swim
- Ask the pool attendant if you can take out a few of the pool’s lane ropes to allow yourself to swim in continuous loops.
- Ask several of your friends to come along to do a snake drill. With this, the swimmers line up in a row and the swimmer in the back sprints to the front to take the lead. This will allow you to practice passing other swimmers.Sharing a lane with another swimmer or requiring yourself to swim close to the wall or rope will help you practice swimming in tight quarters.
- Sighting practice is helpful to keep you going the right direction in open water. Have a friend move an object on deck several times throughout your swim to force you to look forward occasionally to make sure you are going straight for the target and not off course.
- For additional and specific drills check out http://www.usatriathlon.org/about-multisport/multisport-zone/multisport-lab/articles/swim-drills-for-triathletes-032613.aspx
- This usually refers to a bike-run workout, but may also refer to a swim-bike workout.
- Once you have your base training in, bricks are important to incorporate because in the race you are going to be starting your bike and run tired.
- You will always be running a little tired, since it is the last discipline. Therefore, train like this, and your body will be prepared.
- For additional tips go to: http://www.usatriathlon.org/about-multisport/multisport-zone/multisport-lab/articles/brick-basics-for-beginners-050713.aspx
- Incorporate tempo runs. There are many ways to go about doing this based on the distance you will be competing, but they will all have a pace goal. Here are a few pointers/examples on setting up your temp runs: http://www.trifuel.com/training/run/3-runs-for-the-triathlete
- Do a long run once a week. Building aerobic endurance is essential in success. Run at a comfortable pace in which you are able to keep a conversation.
Write down your daily and weekly plans for your workouts to stay mentally prepared and make sure to complete them as you intended. If you schedule it, you are more likely to get it done and not stress about having time to fit it into your already busy schedule.
Keep swimming, biking, and running! Oh, and don’t forget the importance of sleep and nutrition too!
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1 Comment
Wild NRG
If you’re really serious about the event you shouldn’t make this mistake as it’s really important and training should be an integral part of your sessions.