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Stretch of the Week: Self Trapezius Traction Stretch

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

For the second week of December, we will be performing the Self Trapezius Traction Stretch. You will feel this stretch in your upper trapezius, the muscles in the side of your neck and also a little bit into your bicep.

To perform this stretch, you will need a strap or belt, as well as a small hand held weight. Please consult your physician before trying this stretch, especially if you have any neck issues.

How to perform:

  1. Take a strap, or in my case I’ve used a jump rope, around the ball mound of your right foot and hold the ends in your right hand. Your feet will be hip distance apart. Hold the hand held weight in your other hand as shown in photo 1. Choose a weight that is comfortable for you to hold, but also provides an additional stretch. You can work up to a 5-10 pound weight for this stretch.
  1. With your feet firmly planted, slowly reach your left hand and arm down toward the floor as you hold on to the ends of the strap with your right hand. Tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder. The small weight will add a bit more traction as you continue to hold onto the strap. Holding onto the strap will increase the stretch, especially if you try to reach your grip closer to your right foot along the strap. If you feel like you need more stretch, then pick up a slightly heavier weight in your left hand.
  1. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then come back to the upright position and switch sides.

Stretch of the Week: Self Trapezius Traction StretchInterested in learning more? Email me at

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