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Athletico International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day: Break the Bias

by AthleticoLeave a Comment

March 8th signifies International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It is one of the most important days to celebrate women’s accomplishments and raise awareness about women’s equality.

To celebrate this day, we asked leaders to speak on the Importance of Gender Equality in the Workplace. Together, we can take action for a more inclusive and diverse future, one without stereotypes and biases.

At Athletico, we believe in the power of advocacy and are committed to building an inclusive environment for all our patients and employees.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Mark, Founder and Executive Chairman

The professional barriers placed on women in the workplace are too frequent and it’s up to each of us to recognize and remove them.

Chris, President and Chief Executive Officer

A great leader inspires and develops all team members they work with. When leaders embrace the value of diverse teams, the organization as a whole is improved.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Khymberly, Chief Human Resources Officer

Gender equality is important in the workplace because it expands our perspectives and views, allowing for differing approaches and ideas to be seen and heard. However, while it is critically important in our business – and is shown to improve economies – I believe it’s more important to the health of our population. For the generations after us, women must be treated equally to men in all aspects, which I believe can help address poverty, mental health issues, and improve overall social inequities.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Skip, Chief Operating Officer

I have been very fortunate throughout my career to be influenced and inspired by dozens of female leaders, starting with my mother, who ran the sales and marketing functions for our family business when I was growing up. As a leader today, it is even more critical to bring a diversity of thoughts and experiences by building a team that represents our patients, team members, and the communities we are so proud to serve

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Carrie, Chief Marketing Officer

Gender equality isn’t about winners and losers; it’s not zero-sum. It’s about creating workplaces that enable people to show up authentically and generously share their unique skills, talents, and experiences. It’s about recognizing that everyone benefits when we create equality for women. And let’s be clear, it’s about remaining competitive as a desirable place to work, grow, and thrive.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Jason, SVP Clinical Operations

I am proud to be a part of a great organization focused on building a culture inclusive of gender equality that embraces the strengths and abilities of everyone on their teams as well as their differences. The results are better solutions, better ideas, and a better work experience for all.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Joanne, Chief Compliance and Risk Officer

Gender equality in the workplace is critical to an innovative and positive culture. When all individuals in the workplace feel included, respected, and treated fairly, it leads to an environment of creativity and stability that supports individual and company goals.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Geri, Vice President of Billing Operations

Gender parity in the workplace fosters happier team members, ensures perspective, offers an opportunity to elevate innovation and ultimately makes for better business decisions leading to success. A Win-Win for all!

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Diane, Vice President of Clinical Operations/Workers’ Compensation

It is hard to break gender equity, and it will not change unless we continue to challenge the stereotypes and biases. Let’s do everything we can do to break the bias. We need to be willing to ask questions freely to see understanding without fear of retribution. What is most important is proposing change. Let’s Speak Up! Let’s continue to challenge the status quo professionally. Let’s stay strong together.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Kari, SVP Legal Affairs

Gender diversity brings new perspectives, new ideas, and new ways of doing things to the workforce. This diversity of thought enables companies (like Athletico!) to design business initiatives, marketing strategies, and solutions tailored to our diverse client base. When there is gender diversity in leadership, company policies and practices will better reflect that diversity of thought and needs and better position companies to hire, retain and promote talented, gender-diverse employees. More globally, gender diversity in the workplace is helping to break gender stereotypes in our society.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Therese, Vice President of Patient Journey

Every day brings new opportunities to work together and create equality in our workplace. Break the Bias and have an impact.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Kelly, Vice President of Real Estate

The importance of gender equality means enabling a diversity of thought and leadership. As leaders, we must provide a forum for equal participation and opportunity to achieve goals beyond one’s original understanding of their capability.

Athletico International Women's Day 2022

Payten, Head of Athletic Training Services

Our mission is about empowering, inspiring, and transforming. The only way you can do that is if all people of all different backgrounds are given the opportunity to meet their full potential in a supportive environment. When that happens in the workplace, individual and group success is unmatched.

The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.

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