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Category: Stretching


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Stretch of the Week: Top of the Foot Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

In the third week of September we will be performing the Top of the Foot Stretch.

This is a bonus stretch because in addition to stretching the top of the foot, it stretches the shin muscles too! To perform this stretch you will need a sturdy chair. Please do not attempt this stretch if you have any foot or shin injuries.


Stretch of the Week: Sole of the Foot Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

For the second week of September we will be performing the Sole of the Foot Stretch with a chair.

This exercise will stretch all the muscles on the bottom of the foot. Plus, this is a bonus stretch because it gets into the calf muscles as well! You will need a steady folding chair and a bit of wall space for this stretch.


Stretch of the Week: Toe Spread Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

September’s stretch of the week will focus on an area that many of us neglect – our feet.

If you can bare weight on your feet that means they are holding up your entire body, which can be very stressful for them! Many of us don’t give our feet enough attention, and then we wonder why we have so many problems with them as we age. This month will focus on stretches to wake up and strengthen the feet.


Stretch of the Week: Self-Massage for the Wrist

Posted on by Athletico

The final stretch for August features two self-massage techniques for the wrist.

You will need a tennis ball and a table or hard surface to perform these techniques. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to consult with your physician, physical or occupational therapist to determine which exercises are best for you.


4 Stretches to Help You Combat Text Neck

Posted on by Athletico

Times have changed.

Just a few years ago most parents were worrying about their teens’ posture as a result of carrying heavy backpacks home from school. While this is still a concern, there is a new phenomenon impacting teens’ posture, and it goes by the name of “text neck.


Stretch of the Week: Spider Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

The third stretch for August is called the Spider Stretch.

This wrist extension stretch is pretty simple and can help with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) symptoms. There is no equipment needed to perform this stretch, and it can be done in either a seated or standing position. It is important to note that if you are experiencing finger or elbow pain/injuries, you should not practice this week’s stretch. Prior to beginning any exercise program, it is recommended to consult with your physician, physical or occupational therapist to determine which exercises are best for you.


Stretch of the Week: Wrist ROM

Posted on by Athletico

In the second week of August we are working on the range of motion (ROM) in the wrist.

It is not uncommon to feel tightness in your wrist when you are overusing this important joint. This stretch will help you find out where you are tight and free up some of the restrictions in the wrist.


Stretch of the Week: Self Massage Technique for the Subclavius Muscle

Posted on by Athletico

For the last week of July we will discuss a self massage technique for the subclavius muscle. As a licensed massage therapist I always advise learning self-care techniques to perform between appointments with your own massage therapist. If you don’t have a licensed massage therapist as a resource, it is important to take the time to find a reputable one. We are an invaluable resource to getting your body healthy. It is not just a luxury!


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