Search Results for "stretch of the week"
366 Results
Stretch of the Week: Self Massage Technique for the Subclavius Muscle
For the last week of July we will discuss a self massage technique for the subclavius muscle. As a licensed massage therapist I always advise learning self-care techniques to perform between appointments with your own massage therapist. If you don’t have a licensed massage therapist as a resource, it is important to take the time...Read More
Stretch of the Week: Standing Cobra Door Stretch
Continuing with our subclavius stretches for July, week 3 brings us to the Standing Cobra Door Stretch. It’s becoming a favorite of mine. You will need a door with handles on both sides and possibly a small stepping stool for this stretch. Sturdy cork yoga blocks can work in place of a stool.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Half Cow Face Arms
The second week of July brings us to a stretch that we call in yoga, Half Cow Face Arms. We are still focusing on the subclavius muscle that we discussed in detail last week, but you may also feel this in the upper chest and biceps muscles if you are tight there as well.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Seated Clavicle Stretch
Our focus for the month of July will be the subclavius muscle This triangular muscle is attached to the first rib and clavicle (collarbone). It lies directly below the collarbone and draws it forward and downward, providing stability during shoulder and arm movements.Read More
Stretch of the Week: Chair Lunge
The final week of June is upon us. Let’s end it with a great stretch called the Chair Lunge! This stretch will work on the hip flexor muscle group that can shorten from sitting too much. You will need a chair for this stretch, preferably one without wheels. If your chair has wheels, make sure...Read More
Stretch of the Week: Seated Piriformis Stretch
Happy summer! It’s the third week of June and we are continuing our theme of chair stretches. I hope you have been allowing yourself some time each day to take a break from sitting and stretch! This week we will learn a seated piriformis stretch. This will target not only the piriformis, but also the...Read More
Stretch of the Week: Chair Forward Fold
Week 2 of June brings us to the Chair Forward Fold Those of you who sit for long periods of time can end up with a tight lower back, hip, and thigh muscles. This week’s stretch will target all those areas! If you have a history of low back conditions such as pain, bulging/herniated discs,...Read More
Stretch of the Week: Chair Chest Stretch
For the month of June we are exploring chair stretches for the weekly stretch! This month is dedicated to all the sitting a majority of us do on a daily basis. These stretches will focus on opening up the chest, hips, low back, and hamstrings; areas where we all need a little more flexibility.Read More