3 Tips to Get Back Into Exercise
Leave a CommentRoutines are easy to stick to when they’re something you’re used to doing. When we fall out of our routines, it is much harder to get back into it versus staying the course and keeping the momentum going. Working fitness into a daily routine can be hard. For the most part, it’s an uncomfortable experience, especially if it’s not an activity that you particularly enjoy doing. Through my experience, I’ve seen three groups of people in regards to the experience of exercise:
1. The Fitness Enthusiast
This is a group that does not need external motivation to focus on fitness. It is part of their life, and something that they hold close to their identity. Exercise is something that they make sure they incorporate into their daily routine, and they thrive on it, they live for it. This isn’t a group that needs to be pushed to exercise more, they often need to have the reigns tightened to make sure they don’t go off into injury territory.
2. The Reluctant Participator
This individual knows that exercise is beneficial, and that it is something that they should do consistently for a healthy life. However, they don’t particularly enjoy the process. They accept their fate that exercise is good for them, but they can’t wait for the activity to be over because it is something that they dread doing. This group usually benefits from discussions on different ways to stay fit and exercise, as there may be something they will enjoy more than what they’re currently doing.
3. The Avoider
This individual is often sedentary and stuck in their ways. They don’t necessarily have a worrisome BMI (body mass index), because they could have their diet in check, or have genetics that help them maintain a healthy weight. Sometimes they might’ve had a bad experience with exercise, and that’s why they avoid it, or they could even have the thought that they don’t need to exercise based on their current conceptions of their health. They typically find any excuse they can in order to not participate in exercise, and will be hesitant to join a group for fitness-related activities. They could also be unaware/unsure of what they can do to remain healthy, so they don’t even attempt to exercise.
The following tips are going to be aimed at the Avoiders, because they are the group that needs to incorporate exercise into their day. Of course, the other groups could benefit from some of these tips too as they might have fallen out of their routines and need help getting back on their feet.
1. Dedicate just five minutes a day to doing anything that gets you moving.
If there are 1440 minutes in a day, five minutes would be just 0.35% of your day. A drop in a lake by comparison, but meaningful in the sense that it gets you moving. If this is something that is done consistently, the hope is that the individual would be motivated to increase the duration of activity based on the results they would see from just five minutes a day.
2. Take the stairs.
Whether you are going to work, the mall, visiting some friends, etc., elect to take the stairs instead of an elevator/escalator. This simple action will add meaningful exercise into your day, especially if it is something you encounter on a daily basis. It encourages the mindset that extra activity is okay, and will generally help the person feel better.
3. Hire someone.
People tend to be more motivated to exercise when they are financially invested in it and have someone controlling their regiment. Obviously, if someone is unable to afford this option, they should not go down this route. Those individuals would be better off with getting a friend to help hold them accountable, and relying on someone they know they can trust to keep them accountable.
Whatever route you decide to go with, do what you can every day to get more active. If you need help with coming up with an individual plan, schedule a free assessment at your local Athletico to have a professional help get you going. Free assessments are available in-clinic and virtually through our Telehealth platform.
The Athletico blog is an educational resource written by Athletico employees. Athletico bloggers are licensed professionals who abide by the code of ethics outlined by their respective professional associations. The content published in blog posts represents the opinion of the individual author based on their expertise and experience. The content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied on for making personal health decisions.