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On the Road with U.S. Soccer

Posted on by Athletico
Editor's Note: Athletico has been a partner of U.S. Soccer for more than 10  years. As the Official Provider of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training to the organization, Athletico provides athletic training support for all of the men's and women's soccer teams, which includes traveling with the teams both domestically and internationally. This special blog post will chronicle our athletic trainers' experiences both on and off the field traveling with these teams. (more…)

5 Common Questions Patients Have After Their Knee Replacement

Posted on by Athletico
1. How long will my swelling last? Swelling is normal after a knee replacement.  You may notice that your knee is large and discolored after surgery.  Swelling is not something to worry about  unless the swelling becomes excessive or is acompanied with a fever, redness, and unusual discharge from the incision.  Most of the swelling will calm down in the first 12 weeks after surgery, but some swelling may be present up through a year after your surgery. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Downward Dog

Posted on by Athletico
October is my favorite month. I might be biased because it's my birthday month;) But all the leaves changing beautiful colors and fall festivities really lifts my heart! We have to be mindful though as the colder months approach because we end up being inside many more hours. This means that if you sit for your job, you may end up sitting even more when you get home! So this month will be all stretches you can do with a chair while you're at work (or wherever you like). We have to take a break every now and then to stretch those muscles that are in a fixed position for hours. This month we will focus on the muscles that get shortened while we sit, mainly the hamstrings and the pectoral(chest) muscles. We will also target the muscles through the side body to counteract the slouching and poor posture that happens from sitting too long.  Let's get started! (more…)

Should I Stretch Before or After My Run?

Posted on by Dorothy Cohee
We all have seen, or have been, runners bending over to touch their toes or pull their foot back to stretch before a race. Therefore, it may surprise you that some research does not support static stretching prior to running, but at the same time others indicate it has no detrimental effects on performance. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Self Massage for the Lats

Posted on by Athletico
Happy Fall and welcome to the final week of September! This week I am providing a self massage technique for the lats. You will need a foam roller for this stretch. You can purchase one for relatively cheap on Amazon! You have to be able to lay on the floor for this one as well, so the only contraindication would be if you are unable to get down and up from the floor. You could always try to use a wall instead. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Lateral Lat Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
This weeks lat stretch is called a lateral Lat stretch. Say that three times fast! It also involves a quadriceps stretch if you like :) Contraindications for this stretch are if you have knee problems please just sit in a chair. You will need a yoga block if you would like the quad stretch added. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Chair Lat Stretch

Posted on by Athletico
This week marks the half way point through the month. How are you feeling? Are you keeping up with your stretching? I hope so! This week's stretch is chair lat stretch. It's a great one to do at work if you sit at a desk all day, so take a break! I sometimes will even do this stretch at my kitchen counter :) The only contraindication for this stretch is if you have a shoulder injury where you can not raise the arm overhead without pain. In which case, please refrain from performing this weeks stretch. (more…)

Sleeping positions: The good, the bad and the ugly

Posted on by Athletico
Do you sleep in different positions on a nightly basis? Chances are the answer is yes—and that’s common. There isn’t any one sleeping position that works for everyone. Some people prefer to sleep on their side, others on their back. Your usual sleep position — along with other factors, including your weight— can strain your back and contribute to development of back pain. Sleeping positions also affect existing back pain, either by letting you sleep comfortably or by making you wake up sore and achy. Similarly, back pain is more likely to keep you awake when your sleeping position provides no relief. (more…)
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