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Knee Pain: Understanding Patellofemoral Syndrome

Posted on by Athletico

Spring in Chicago came early this year, and with that many recreational runners took advantage of the weather and returned to running after several months of inactivity or running indoors. Also, many of these runners in their excitement did not progress slowly back into the activity and thus were more susceptible to injuries, including patellofemoral syndrome, which is often referred to as “runner’s knee.” (more…)

Hip Flexor Tightness in Distance Runners

Posted on by Athletico

Now that spring is here and it is beautiful outside, a lot of runners really begin to build their mileage. When this happens, I usually start to see a lot of hip flexor pain and tightness. This problem is really common in distance runners. Tight hip flexors are a major cause of many posture problems. In runners, it is mainly caused by repetitive use and weak glutes. In people who sit a lot, well, it is caused by sitting a lot. This posting covers what to do if you are running a lot. (more…)

Base Training for a Marathon

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations! You made the commitment and registered for a Marathon. Whether this is your first or your 50th marathon, I’m sure you are excited to get going. Now comes the tough part for most marathoners-what do I do now? (more…)

Tips to Avoid Overuse Injuries

Posted on by Athletico

New Year’s resolutions to become more active are great. I hope everyone who made a resolution to be fit is starting to see a difference. That said, if someone has been pretty sedentary, and he or she jumps into a new fitness program too quickly, overuse injuries can occur. Understanding how to pace yourself while getting fit is key. (more…)

Exercising Outside in the Winter

Posted on by Athletico

Sigh… We knew it couldn’t last forever. Although it’s been pretty mild so far, we know what’s next. Fall is here, and winter’s coming.

It’s easy to think that the cold and the puffy clothes we wear are a good excuse to hit the buffet a little harder and to lower the fitness goals. However, there are a lot of great ways to stay fit and have fun during the winter months. Even if you don’t join an organized activity, get outside for some fresh air and natural vitamin D.  This blog post is dedicated to tips on how to exercise safely and comfortably throughout the winter. (more…)

8 Reasons to Get a Massage the Week after the Marathon

Posted on by Athletico

It’s hard to believe that it’s time for your Marathon. After all that training, now is the time you’ve been preparing for. I personally don’t even like driving 26 miles, but I have spent enough time with runners to understand that running a marathon is the ultimate test of strength and endurance. So, what happens on the Monday or Tuesday after you’ve completed the marathon, and how can a massage help? Here are eight reasons to get a massage the week after you complete a marathon: (more…)

Running a Marathon? Tips for What You Should Be Eating and Drinking

Posted on by Athletico

Here it comes! Many of you have been hard at work training for your upcoming marathons, and it’s finally here! I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding hydration and nutrition. The following post will focus on the most common questions I’ve received. (more…)

3 Ways to Roll Away Muscle Tension

Posted on by Athletico

Sedentary jobs, decreased activity levels, and increased stress have made us a less mobile population. Our muscles are overactive and tight, creating imbalances in our bodies, which can lead to poor posture, joint pain, and a host of avoidable injuries. Most of us can’t afford a live-in masseuse, and massages from our significant others are expected to be reciprocated (and who wants to do that?), so how are we supposed to alleviate our tense, overactive muscles? Below I have 3 options for you, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. (more…)

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