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Why You Should Try Dry Needling The Next Time You Are In Pain

Posted on by Paige Gibbens, PT, DPT, MHA

Trigger point injections have been around since the 1940s, but dry needling has recently become the latest craze. Why? What is dry needling? And how could it help me?

Dry needling has many different philosophies and approaches. Some practitioners will perform trigger point dry needling, others will perform dry needling with needle retention, and some will even use dry needling with electrical stimulation. Ultimately, dry needling, no matter what form it is utilized in, triggers an inflammatory response to the tissue, promoting blood flow and healing.


Stretch of the Week: King Arthur Stretch

Posted on by Athletico

Week 2 of this months quadriceps stretches is the King Arthur stretch. Hopefully you have tried week one, frog stretch I, and you have gotten some insight as to how tight your thigh muscles really are. If you have not tried that stretch yet, please go back and attempt it, as it is a good warm-up for this stretch. I do not recommend this stretch for people that have knee injuries or severe chronic knee problems, as it is hard on the knee. The benefits of this pose are: it stretches the hip flexors and the quadriceps. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Frog Stretch I

Posted on by Athletico

This month we will be focusing on stretching our quadriceps and hip flexors. These group of muscles can be very tight on quite a lot of people because of all the sitting and driving we do as a society. This can sometimes lead to knee pain or hip pain. Even just the simple act of sitting back on our heels can cause a great deal of discomfort for some, so please be patient with yourself this month! Practice these regularly and the front of the thighs will eventually loosen up! Please listen to your body as always, and back off if you feel pain that is not a “stretchy” discomfort. (more…)

6 Tips for a Healthy High School Gymnastics Season

Posted on by Athletico

The gymnastics and cheer seasons’ are underway! Check out our second blog focusing on staying healthy during the gymnastics and cheerleading season. Our second blog by Melissa Winterhalter, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, specializes in gymnastics and performing arts. She is a Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist and a NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. (more…)

Wrist Pain in Gymnasts and Cheerleaders

Posted on by Athletico

The gymnastics and cheer seasons’ are picking up intensity! Check out our first of two blogs focusing on staying healthy during the gymnastics and cheerleading season. Our first blog by Sarah Clough PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, PES, who has a passion for treating gymnasts, trampolinists and cheerleaders, focuses on wrist pain in gymnasts and cheerleaders. (more…)

Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretch Part II

Posted on by Athletico

Keeping with our theme of stretching the hamstrings for this month, I give you wide angle seated forward fold! Things you might need for this stretch: a blanket/towel and possibly a block, or something to rest the hands on as shown in the photo.


Stretch of the Week: Hamstring Stretches

Posted on by Athletico

Welcome to the stretch of the week blog! This weekly blog is intended to expose you to different stretches that will help make the body more functional and to help reduce pain, which will hopefully help you live a happier healthier life! These stretches will have a yoga origin. (more…)

AC Sprain and How to Recover

Posted on by Athletico

The shoulder is an important joint that is used throughout daily life. Once it becomes injured it can be very difficult to maintain a normal lifestyle. One joint effected by shoulder injury is the acromioclavicularjoint or more commonly referred to as the AC joint. (more…)

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