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Goodbye, Prostate Gland

Posted on by Athletico
A prostatectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the prostate gland. There are two types of procedures: a simple prostatectomy and a radical prostatectomy. A simple prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate and a radical prostatectomy is the removal of the prostate and surrounding tissues. While you will receive post-operative instructions from your physician, here are some answers to frequently asked questions (more…)

So you signed up for a Marathon, Now What?!

Posted on by Athletico
Today's blog post is written by guest blogger Jennifer Short, PT at Athletico Garfield Ridge/Midway Congratulations! You are registered for a Marathon, but now what? Running 26.2 miles at once seems daunting but with a plan and dedication you can accomplish this goal. Here are 5 tips to get you off and running on the right foot: (more…)

How To Treat Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Posted on by Athletico
What Is Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)? Adhesive Capsulitis or frozen shoulder involves a thickening and tightening of the shoulder tissues. Research is still being done on why it may occur and what is actually occurring within a freezing joint.  Some studies have shown that a small injury may create an inflammatory response in some individuals that triggers the stiffening of the tissues surrounding the joint. Frozen shoulder occurs more in women between the ages of 45 and 65 years old, and those who have Diabetes or Thyroid problems appear to have an increased chance of having frozen shoulder. (more…)

Don’t get your fingers in a jam this softball season!

Posted on by Athletico
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Judy Micek, OT at Athletico Bolingbrook. Calling all couch potatoes…Spring is here and with it warm weather sports. With sportsmanship and exercise as great benefits of team sports, many Chicagoans are anxiously awaiting the return of softball season. However, catching that 16” softball can lead to some painful finger injuries or wrist injuries from sliding into base, that shouldn’t be ignored...and they may need more than just ice and rest! (more…)

3 Solutions for Quad Dominance: A Known Injury Risk Factor

Posted on by Athletico
One factor that athletic trainers and physical therapists look at when assessing knee injury risk is the reliance someone has between 3 groups of muscles - the quadriceps (quads), glutes, and hamstrings. Here's a quick rundown of what these muscle groups all do: (more…)

Pain Free Tips for Gardeners Part 2

Posted on by Athletico
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Judy Micek, OT at Athletico Bolingbrook. Athletico continues to celebrate Occupational Therapy month by sharing more gardening tips for you to use this spring. Continue to enjoy time in the garden by using new tools or learning a new routine after gardening. (more…)

How To Prepare For Your First Race!

Posted on by Athletico
Spring is in the Air! After a harsh winter, spring has finally sprung and the official start to the Chicago running season has begun with the completion of the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle this past weekend. Were you out there among the thousands running on Sunday? Were you standing on the sidelines cheering on the runners thinking to yourself, “I want that to be me…”  that CAN be you. Follow these basic tips to help you complete your first running road race. (more…)

Pain Free Tips for Gardeners Part 1

Posted on by Athletico
Today’s blog post is written by guest blogger, Judy Micek, OT at Athletico Bolingbrook. It may have been a long cold and snowy winter, but Spring has finally sprung! Along with the fresh buds on the trees and stems breaking through the ground, April is Occupational Therapy month. In celebrating our profession, soon to be 150 years old, we would like to share some tips for protection and prevention of common problems for those of you who are eager to get back into gardening.   (more…)
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