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How the Complimentary Injury Screening Can Help YOU for the Back to School Season

Posted on by Athletico
Schools are gearing back up for another school year! The school year starts with lots of energy and positivity, but can also contribute to pain. Teachers are moving rooms, lifting boxes and books, are stooped over the desks of the children, and will be sitting for hours grading papers. Students will be sitting for long periods of time, often in a slumped position and carrying backpacks that weigh as much as they do.  Athletes will return to sports, sometimes after a summer of inactivity, and injuries will start to present themselves. This time of year is busy and there is definitely no time for pain. So...what can you do if pain starts to creep into the back to school season? Utilize Athletico's complimentary injury screening! (more…)

Beating the Heat in Athletics

Posted on by Athletico
Every year heat illness affects thousands of people. Knowing the different types of heat illnesses and what to do to both prevent and treat them is imperative to the health and safety of yourself or your child. With the start of school, fall sports such as football are ready to hit the ground running. But are you prepared to beat the heat? (more…)

Ergonomics for the Students’ World

Posted on by Athletico
In 2008, 49.3 million students were enrolled in schools from grades one through twelve. These students are potentially sitting incorrectly at their school desks, computer workstations, or at home for more than eight hours each day. Due to the fact that repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, medial & lateral epicondylitis, & herniated discs are related to cumulative trauma, it’s imperative that we teach & adhere to sound ergonomic principles from a young age. The following guidelines can help mitigate stress on the body & contribute to a pain-free, healthy body: (more…)

Taking Training Too Far: A Quick Look at Rhabdomyolysis

Posted on by Athletico
First off, thanks for making it past the title and not assuming that rhabdomyolysis wasn't some word I made up to sound like a medical genius. Rhabdomyolysis, or rhabdo in fitness slang, is a rare, but very dangerous condition seen in athletes that are pushing themselves too far. Fitness competitions are becoming a rapidly growing phenomenon, which means more and more people testing their body's limits, so I figured it was time to raise some awareness about this condition and how to avoid it. (more…)

Chronic Whiplash…Why do I still have pain after all these months?

Posted on by Athletico
Whiplash is a term used to describe an injury to the neck area that usually involves a rapid movement into extension and flexion, such as in a car accident. Whiplash is the most common non-fatal injury associated with a motor vehicle accident and can even occur at speeds of less than 15 miles per hour. Symptoms of neck stiffness and pain usually appear in the days following the accident and can last for several months, often becoming chronic in 25% of individuals. (more…)

Three Ways to Avoid Knee Pain at the Gym

Posted on by Athletico
Many patients come to physical therapy with knee pain as a result of gym workouts. Here are three ways to avoid knee pain while working out at the gym: (more…)

7 Signs You May Need a Massage

Posted on by Athletico
We all know that massage therapy feels good and is a healthy reward for our overworked bodies. But, how do you know when you need a massage? I have provided a little cheat sheet for you below. (more…)

Adding 3D “Fun”ction to Your Walk or Run: Part 1

Posted on by Lori Diamos
Now that warmer weather is finally here, we are all stir crazy to get outside and start having some fun in the sun. A simple and easy way to have fun in the sun with exercise is to start a walking or running program. In the spring and summer months you’ll see walkers or joggers on the lakefront, in the parks, on the sidewalks, along a forest or preserve trail, and sometimes even in the streets. Because walking and running are inherently familiar to most of us, we don’t often think outside the box and try to incorporate ways to make it better or safer. So today we will not only review some basics, but we will show you how and why to add a 3D component to not only your walk and run but also to your pre-activity warm-up and post-activity stretching routine. (more…)
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