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The Bump on Your Shin: What It Is and What to Do

Posted on by Athletico

As an athletic trainer that works with young, active populations, I get a lot of questions about injuries– some more common than others. One of the more common questions I get– especially adolescents – is “What is this bump below my knee?” The answer is almost always Osgood-Schlatter disease – a condition that sounds like the end of the world, but isn’t anything to lose sleep over. (more…)

It’s All in the Hips: Part 3

Posted on by Athletico

So here we are, three entries deep into the “It’s All in the Hips” saga. We’ve covered gluteus medius and its role in stability. We’ve also talked about the gluteus maximus and its importance in power production. Today, we’ll take a journey to the front of the hips to talk about the hip flexors. (more…)

5 Ways Mobile Apps Can Improve Your Health

Posted on by Athletico

The phone that you’re carrying around in your pocket has more computing power than was available to NASA when the first men were sent to the moon. It can help you keep up with work, take amazing photos at a moment’s notice, and even allow you to talk to someone face-to-face on the opposite side of the planet. While a lot of us are familiar with how phones and new apps can help increase productivity (or hinder it *cough* Angry Birds *cough*), a lot of people don’t realize that there are ways to use your phone to improve your health in 5 key areas. (more…)

Strengthen and Stretch: It’s what the Glutes and Piriformis Need

Posted on by Athletico

When most people picture running, they think “Chariots of Fire.” They see long, forward strides (and maybe a pretty cool soundtrack). In reality, a long distance runner’s main thrust happens behind his or her body. (more…)

IT Band Syndrome: The Top 5 Causes and Solutions

Posted on by Athletico

Running season has arrived and a lot of you wanted to hit the ground running, but instead, you hit the ground hurting…hurting on the outside of your knee. If that’s the case, you could have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) or IT band syndrome for short. IT band syndrome is an overuse injury that is common in endurance athletes like runners and bikers. It affects a tissue that runs from the side of your hip all of the way down past your knee. Most of the time, the inflammation manifests itself as pain on the outside of the knee. It can be incredibly painful and is typically a frustratingly stubborn injury to deal with.

5 Free and Easy Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis

Posted on by Athletico

Plantar fasciitis can be a real pain in the foot. Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. If you’ve ever had pain in the bottom of your foot with the first few steps out of bed in the morning, you’ve probably had some experience with this painful condition. (more…)

Hip Flexor Tightness in Distance Runners

Posted on by Athletico

Now that spring is here and it is beautiful outside, a lot of runners really begin to build their mileage. When this happens, I usually start to see a lot of hip flexor pain and tightness. This problem is really common in distance runners. Tight hip flexors are a major cause of many posture problems. In runners, it is mainly caused by repetitive use and weak glutes. In people who sit a lot, well, it is caused by sitting a lot. This posting covers what to do if you are running a lot. (more…)

3 Ways to Roll Away Muscle Tension

Posted on by Athletico

Sedentary jobs, decreased activity levels, and increased stress have made us a less mobile population. Our muscles are overactive and tight, creating imbalances in our bodies, which can lead to poor posture, joint pain, and a host of avoidable injuries. Most of us can’t afford a live-in masseuse, and massages from our significant others are expected to be reciprocated (and who wants to do that?), so how are we supposed to alleviate our tense, overactive muscles? Below I have 3 options for you, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. (more…)

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