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Category: Injury Prevention


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Injury Prevention

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Tips for Shoveling Safely

Posted on by Athletico

Although falling snow is very pretty and makes for a festive feel, it leaves us the task of having to clear our driveways and walkways. Shoveling can be very taxing on the body, leading to injuries, sore muscles, and even catastrophic events. Below are some safety tips on how to avoid injury. (more…)

Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome: Symptoms and Management

Posted on by Athletico

Painful bladder syndrome (PBS), also called Interstitial cystitis (IC), is a condition that causes recurring discomfort in the bladder or pelvic region. It can affect children, men, and women, but is much more common in women. Interstitial cystitis can have a significant impact on quality of life. While there are no treatments to cure the condition, there are many interventions available to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. (more…)

Vitamin D Deficiency: A Surprisingly Common Problem

Posted on by Athletico

As an athletic trainer, I see my fair share of broken bones, and anytime I can do anything to prevent them, I will. When I came across a recent study showing that as many as 70% of children in the US had inadequate levels of  vitamin D (a necessary component to building strong bones), I knew I had to do something about it. After sifting through several research articles, I was reminded that vitamin D’s role extended far beyond bones as it may influence body weight, immune system function, and much more! With this vitamin playing so many important roles in the body, it’s comforting to know that although low vitamin D levels are common, they are also easily preventable with just a few easy adjustments to your routine or diet. Before we get into how to fix this problem, let’s talk about why it’s so imperative. (more…)

Avoid Pain from a Too-Heavy Bag

Posted on by Athletico

If you have happened to pick up a celebrity gossip magazine in the past year, you may have noticed a new fashion trend. I am not talking about skinny jeans or platform shoes. I am talking about a bag big enough to fit your living room couch in. In recent years, women have gone from carrying these cute miniature bags to now carrying extremely large purses and handbags. While these over-sized bags can be very fashionable, they can be a killer for our necks, shoulders, and backs and may even lead to headaches and arthritis. (more…)

Benefits of Exercising while Pregnant

Posted on by Athletico

While exercise may feel like the last thing you want to do while pregnant, there are many benefits that may make it worth your while. Exercise can benefit the mother to be in the following ways: (more…)

Tips to Save your Back while Raking Leaves

Posted on by Athletico

Few people enjoy raking; however, it is an inevitable household chore come fall. Raking seems like a pretty easy task, but going about it improperly may lead to some lower and upper back strain. Raking is a very repetitive activity that uses many muscles in our lower back, upper back, neck, and shoulders. Here are some tips to help minimize sore muscles due to raking: (more…)

5 Ways Mobile Apps Can Improve Your Health

Posted on by Athletico

The phone that you’re carrying around in your pocket has more computing power than was available to NASA when the first men were sent to the moon. It can help you keep up with work, take amazing photos at a moment’s notice, and even allow you to talk to someone face-to-face on the opposite side of the planet. While a lot of us are familiar with how phones and new apps can help increase productivity (or hinder it *cough* Angry Birds *cough*), a lot of people don’t realize that there are ways to use your phone to improve your health in 5 key areas. (more…)

Marathon Race Recovery

Posted on by Athletico

Congratulations on completing your Marathon! Whether this is your first or 50th marathon, you should be proud of your accomplishment and the hard work that brought you across the finish line. I hope you finished your race smiling. Just remember, recovering from the race is just as crucial as your training. Most experts agree that recovery begins the moment you cross the finish line. This blog post will cover what you can do in the minutes, hours, days and weeks following a big race that will help you prevent injury and replenish your body. (more…)

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