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9 Exercises to Help Overhead Athletes Prepare for their Season

Posted on by Tanner Neuberger, PT, DPT, TDN Level 1

Overhead athletes are required to have tremendous strength and stability in not only their shoulder, but their entire body. The forces that go through the shoulder during a pitching motion are some of the highest that occur within the sports realm, with the fastest motion recorded at over 7000 degrees of rotation per second (that equates to 20 full arm revolutions in a second). It makes sense that these forces require tremendous strength and stability throughout the whole body (often referred to as kinetic chain with throwing), and special care for the arm is to be taken through all seasons of play. What follows will be exercises and stretches that are key to helping provide strength and stability required for throwing.


Seven Sledding Safety Tips

Posted on by Tara Hackney, PT, DPT, OCS, KTTP

Sledding is a fun and common winter activity. However, it can lead to injuries if you are not careful. Sleds can travel at fast speeds over ice and snow. More than 20,000 kids younger than 19 are treated for injuries related to sledding each year. The most common injury seen from sledding is head injuries. Before you and your little ones head to the hills, here are seven tips to help keep you safe.


The Ground Connection: Why You Should Be Aware of Your Foot

Posted on by Matthew Klayman, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. DN

26 bones, 33 joints, and over one hundred small muscles and tendons; and that’s just one of them. The human foot is one of the more intricate and fascinating parts of the human body. Our feet act as the sole connection from our bodies to the earth below. We rely heavily on our feet to guide us through our day and allow us to participate in all the activities we enjoy.

The foot is almost always active. Every time we contact the ground, our feet need to respond to our environment. So why should we care about our feet if we’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort?


Hand Therapist Approved Work from Home Stretches

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT

Co-author: Nicole Kertz, OTS

With more people working from home in the New Year due to COVID-19, there has been an increase in work related injuries. You don’t have to be a heavy manufacturing or construction worker to have work related injuries. Oftentimes, repetitive motions, staying in the same position, and poor posture can cause work related injuries. Desk jobs for example, consist of staying in the same, often seated, position with repetitive motions like typing.


4 Ways to Prevent Holiday-Related Injuries

Posted on by Malvika Sampath, PT, DPT

The holidays are here! Though things might be a little different this year, many people will still partake in activities like a holiday-related virtual 5K, friendly game of football, decorating your house or going on an annual family ski vacation.

Whatever the plans are, here are some tips to prevent holiday-related injuries and enjoy the time with your family and friends.


Tips to Avoid Cold Weather Injuries

Posted on by Shelia M. Tenny, OTR/L, CHT

As the cold weather sets in, it’s important to take precautions to avoid injuries due to freezing temperatures. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the most well-known cold weather injuries as told by our Hand Therapy experts as well as tips to avoid them.


5 Ways to Prevent Slips & Falls This Winter

Posted on by Malvika Sampath, PT, DPT

With all of the ice and snow that come with wintertime, slippery conditions can greatly increase the risk of falls that could potentially result in serious injury. According to the CDC, one out of every five falls causes an injury and for the 65+ population, falling is the leading cause of injury and death within this age group. Given these stats, it is important to take some precautions to keep you safe outside.


Stretch for Success: 10 Exercises & Stretches To Help Improve Your Posture

Posted on by Athletico

Working from home has been a major change in many people’s life during 2020. One of the downsides may be the increased sedentary time. Unless you have committed to a daily exercise routine, you may lose activities such as walking to your car and walking into the office, doing a flight of stairs to get in your building, or rushing over to a meeting down the hall. With winter on the way, it may be even more difficult to get in a walk outside at lunch. Here are ten stretches and activities that you can do to improve posture throughout the day, increase your activity level, and decrease pain from constantly sitting.


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